Our Commitment to Accessibility


Cadillac Fairview is committed to providing excellent customer service to all its customers, including our customers with disabilities, based on the core principles of dignity, independence, inclusion, integration, responsiveness and equality of opportunity.

In Ontario, this commitment includes compliance with The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). The AODA will develop, implement and enforce accessibility standards in order to achieve accessibility for people with disabilities in the Province of Ontario by January 1, 2025.

Pacfic Centre

Each of our Ontario properties is working diligently on compliance with the AODA. To find out more about how our Ontario sites are committed to accessibility, visit your local Ontario Cadillac Fairview shopping centre website.

To provide feedback about how Cadillac Fairview provides accessible customer service, contact us at:

By telephone: 416-598-8200

By email: Visit www.cadillacfairview.com, click on “contact us”, complete and submit form

By mail: Director, Occupational and Life Safety

20 Queen Street West, 3rd Floor

Toronto, Ontario M5H 3R4

As part of its continuing commitment to meeting the accessibility needs of its customers and staff with disabilities, The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd. presents its Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, which addresses compliance requirements from 2012-2021.

The Plan addresses activities and deliverables specified in the Information and Communication, Employment and Design of Public Spaces Accessibility Standards and Regulations and outlines an action plan for meeting these regulations.

This document is available to the public and in alternate format and accessible communication supports upon request.

Accessibility Files

Accessibility Policies and Plans